Category Archives: Things that grow

Attempts at Gardening

Cucumber trellis \ ladder for growing cucumbers in limited space.

My grandma used to have an old wooden ladder in the middle of her cucumber patch and it only took me another 35 years to see the genius of it.  I have a long strip of farm-able area at my … Continue reading

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Pepper Growing Progress

Finally got all the seeds germinated and transplanted. Most made it. Here’s the germination and transplant survival ratio: 100 Red ghost – 53 seedlings = 53% 10 Yellow Trinidad = 10 for 10! 100% 20 White habanero = 15 seedlings … Continue reading

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Getting chili pepper seeds started

I love being the guy with the hot chili at cookoffs, bringing stuffed peppers to work parties and having an assortment of great peppers for BBQs and soups. The hard thing about the good and really hot peppers is getting … Continue reading

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Garden Area: expanding!

Last year our little salsa garden was enough to grow a bunch of tomatoes and peppers and enough pumpkins to host a pumpkin party for all the relative’s kids too. This year we cleaned out the cords of wood and … Continue reading

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