Comments on: 17 months: My ’48 willys CJ2A Jeep functional restoration Things that may or may not be interesting. Wed, 26 Oct 2016 00:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Wed, 26 Oct 2016 00:58:04 +0000 In reply to LAWRENCE GOLDSTEIN.

Mine came with the whole gearbox at the bottom, I assume it’s a worm drive.

By: LAWRENCE GOLDSTEIN Fri, 29 Jul 2016 19:50:53 +0000 Garp? I have a question maybe you can help me with. I have a ’52 M38a1. It has been modified. I don’t know why. I am at the steering column stage. It looks like the shaft is the same that would fit a Willys steering wheel. But I need to replace the column and the shaft. The end of the shaft is not a worm but goes into a U-Joint. I am unable to find another one like it. They all seem to be of the worm variety. How is yours set up? Worm or U-Joint. If it is a U-joint where did you get the parts? I need to replace the shaft and the column. I could send pictures if you’d like to take a look.
Thanks – Larry

By: C. Paul Jones Sun, 17 Jan 2016 13:10:58 +0000 Awesome! I was just reading your website about making 1911 grips when I saw your post about the Jeep. I myself got the Jeep addiction about three years ago…in the form of a well bubbafied 1947 CJ2A! After finding out just how many things were actually wrong and repairing about half, life came along in the way of my daughter! Now at that time I was 47 years old, no experience working on a Jeep and a newborn at home…the expenses just kept mounting and mounting. Soooo, needless to say the Jeep has moved on to another bubba and my little girl is 2 now and the apple of dad’s eye! Good luck and great job! God Bless.

By: Eric Tue, 18 Nov 2014 14:40:37 +0000 It truly made my day to read this.

3-4 months turning into 17 months… yep. You should not feel bad about that. It’s actually pretty impressive how far you came in that time, considering you surely have plenty of other plates to keep spinning in your life.

Beautiful Jeep.
